
Sun / Moon – Dasha Antra Dasha

Original price was: ₹ 1,000.00.Current price is: ₹ 708.00.

Availability: 100 in stock

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Sun / Moon - Dasha Antra Dasha Added to Wishlist

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SKU: HA_P_2024077-N Category:

The Sun/Moon Dasha Antradasha coin mixes the Sun’s masculine, authoritative energy with the Moon’s compassionate, perceptive qualities. This coin helps people balance their cognitive and emotional identities, promoting inner peace and smart decision-making. It fosters leadership while simultaneously building empathy, making it ideal for those seeking to lead with compassion.

Its design represents the duality of existence, the intersection of logic and intuition. This coin offers protection and clarity during the Sun/Moon Dasha Antradasha, supporting the bearer in overcoming emotional challenges while maintaining a strong sense of self and purpose.



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